Learners Driving Course - What's Covered in the Course?

Learning to drive safely is crucial for everyone hitting the road. Our learners driving course is designed to equip you with the necessary skills to navigate the streets confidently and responsibly.

Understanding the Basics

In the learners driving course in Enfield, we start by laying a strong foundation. The structure and duration are tailored to ensure a comprehensive grasp of essential concepts. You'll dive into traffic rules, road signs, and defensive driving techniques, setting the stage for practical application.

Practical Driving Sessions

Our practical sessions offer hands-on experience under the guidance of seasoned instructors. From mastering vehicle controls to navigating real-world scenarios, we prioritize building your confidence behind the wheel.

Interactive Learning Tools

We enhance traditional learning with interactive tools, enriching your understanding of theoretical concepts.

Individualized Feedback and Assessment

Feedback is integral to improvement. Our Learners Driving Course instructors conduct regular assessments, offering constructive criticism to guide your progress.

Road Safety and Defensive Driving

Safety is important on the road. We delve into risk awareness and defensive driving strategies, empowering you to navigate hazards effectively.

Mock Driving Tests

Prepare for success with mock driving tests that simulate real exam conditions. These Learners Driving Course tests help identify areas for improvement and refine your skills before the assessment.


How many lessons does a beginner need?

A beginner might require 30-40 hours of training under a driving instructor's supervision. However, complete beginners may require more intensive training than that.

 How long does the learners  driving course typically take?

The duration of our Learners Driving Course varies depending on individual progress and scheduling. However, it typically spans several weeks to ensure comprehensive learning.

Do I need any prior driving experience to enrol in the course?

No prior experience is necessary. Our Learners Driving Course caters to beginners, providing a structured learning environment suitable for novice drivers.

Are there any age restrictions for enrolling in the course?

A: While age requirements vary by location, learners must typically be at least 16 to enroll in our program. However, it's essential to check local regulations for specific age restrictions.

Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the course?

Yes, upon completing the learners driving course, you'll receive a certificate of completion, demonstrating your commitment to safe driving practices.


Our learners driving course offers a holistic approach to mastering driving skills. We encourage aspiring drivers to enroll, embark on their journey, and become safe, confident motorists ready to navigate the roads responsibly. Learn from the best Learners Driving Course instructors in Enfield at AH Driving Tuition Automatic. Contact us to learn more about the learners driving services.

Read more blogs on learners driving here.

Tips and Advice from Driving Instructors

Driving instruction is vital for new drivers, offering the foundation to navigate the roads safely and confidently. This guide will explore invaluable tips and advice from seasoned Driving Instructors in Enfield to empower you to become a proficient and responsible driver.

Prepare for the Journey

Before hitting the road, it's crucial to ensure mental and physical readiness. Mentally, cultivate confidence and focus, essential attributes for safe driving. The Driving Instructors suggest to physically, prioritise proper rest and alertness to maintain peak performance behind the wheel. Besides, take the time to familiarise yourself with your vehicle, adjusting seats, mirrors, and controls for optimal comfort and control.

Navigate the Basics

Understanding traffic laws and regulations is fundamental. Mastering basic manoeuvres such as turning, stopping, and accelerating ensures smooth and safe driving experiences. To stay aware of your surroundings, regularly check your mirrors and perform blind spot checks.

Learn Defensive Driving Techniques

Adopting defensive driving techniques can prevent accidents and save lives, says the best Driving Instructors. These techniques include maintaining safe following distances, anticipating the actions of other drivers, and reacting calmly and effectively to unexpected situations on the road.

Handle Challenging Situations

Be prepared to tackle challenging situations, including adverse weather conditions, road rage, and distractions. Stay calm and focused, and maintain control of your vehicle, prioritising safety.

Enhance Skills Through Practice

Practice makes perfect. Not just the Driving Instructors but everyone agrees to this. Take advantage of supervised practice sessions and driving simulators to hone your skills. Gradually expose yourself to diverse driving environments to gain valuable experience and confidence.

Maintain Vehicle Safety

Regular vehicle maintenance checks are essential for optimal safety on the road. Pay attention to tyre pressure and tread depth, and always be prepared for emergencies by packing a roadside assistance kit.

Copy with Test Anxiety

Test anxiety is common but manageable. Develop strategies to manage nerves on test day, such as visualisation and positive affirmations. Mistakes are part of the learning process, so stay focused and resilient.

Post-License Advice

The journey doesn't end with obtaining your license. Continue your education through advanced driving courses and ongoing practice to refine your skills. As a responsible driver, I serve as a role model for others.

Handle Emergency Situations

Emergencies on the road can happen unexpectedly, ranging from accidents to vehicle breakdowns. Knowing how to handle these situations calmly ensures safety and minimises damage. Here are essential steps to take in case of emergencies:

Step 1: Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

Step 2: Move to a Safe Location

Step 3: Contact Emergency Services

Step 4: Attend to Injuries and Provide Aid

Step 5: Document the Scene

Step 6: Notify Authorities and Insurance Providers

Step 7: Arrange for Towing or Assistance

Step 8: Follow Up and Seek Support

By following these steps and remaining composed during emergencies, you can navigate challenging situations on the road with confidence and resilience. Remember, prioritising safety and seeking assistance when needed are key to effectively handling emergencies.


Mastering the road requires diligence, practice, and a commitment to lifelong learning. By following the tips and advice provided by experienced driving instructors in Enfield, you'll be well-equipped to navigate any driving situation with confidence and skill. Remember, safety always comes first, so contact AH Driving Tuition for further guidance and support. Meet our instructors in person and learn the basics and advanced driving courses.

To get more tips on driving courses, read other blogs here.

The Benefits of Taking a Pass Plus Driving Course

If you're a newly qualified driver looking to boost your confidence and expand your skills, the Pass Plus Driving Course could be the perfect next step. This advanced driving course offers comprehensive training beyond what is required for a standard driving test, equipping you with the knowledge and experience to navigate various driving conditions quickly.

Enhanced Driving Skills

The Pass Plus Driving Course is designed to improve your driving skills in various scenarios. From busy city streets to rural roads and motorways, you'll gain experience handling different environments. This course also covers challenging situations such as driving in adverse weather conditions and at night, allowing you to become more versatile and confident. With this level of training, you'll be better prepared to react to unexpected incidents and stay safe on the road.

Increased Confidence on the Road

Taking the Pass Plus Driving Course can significantly boost your confidence. The structured training sessions allow you to practise and refine your driving techniques under the guidance of experienced instructors. This additional practice helps you feel more at ease in challenging situations, whether navigating heavy traffic or merging onto a motorway. As your confidence grows, so does your ability to make quick, safe decisions on the road.

Reduced Risk of Accidents

Completing the Pass Plus Driving Course in Enfield can reduce the risk of accidents. The course addresses new drivers' common mistakes, providing you with the tools to avoid them. Learning to anticipate hazards and respond appropriately makes you less likely to be involved in a collision. Studies have shown that drivers who complete advanced training like Pass Plus are generally safer on the road, which can give you peace of mind.

Insurance Discounts

One practical benefit of the Pass Plus Driving Course in Enfield is the potential for insurance discounts. Many insurance companies offer lower premiums to drivers who have completed advanced training, as they're considered lower risk. By investing in this course, you may not only improve your driving skills but also save money on your car insurance. Check with your insurance provider to see what discounts are available for Pass Plus graduates.

Exposure to Varied Driving Conditions

The Pass Plus Driving Course exposes you to various driving conditions, helping you become a well-rounded driver. You'll gain experience in busy urban environments, quiet country roads, and fast-paced motorways. This diverse training ensures you're prepared for whatever comes your way, whether a sudden traffic jam or an unexpected road closure. You can drive with greater confidence and control by learning to adapt to different conditions.

Improved Reaction to Roadside Emergencies

Another key benefit of the Pass Plus Driving Course in Enfield is improved reaction to roadside emergencies. The course covers common scenarios like tyre blowouts, engine trouble, and sudden braking, teaching you how to respond quickly and safely. This knowledge can be invaluable in preventing accidents and ensuring your safety on the road. You'll also learn basic roadside assistance skills, giving you the confidence to handle minor issues independently.


The Pass Plus Driving Course in Enfield offers new drivers a wide range of benefits. From enhanced driving skills and increased confidence to reduced risk of accidents and potential insurance discounts, this course provides valuable training to make you a safer, more competent driver. Consider enrolling in AH Driving Tuition Automatic to take your driving to the next level. It's an investment in your safety and peace of mind on the road.

Car Refresher Course FAQs Answered

The need for a Car Refresher Course is becoming increasingly popular in Enfield and nearby areas. But what does a car refresher course mean? Is it about the basics of car driving  maintenance, or both? The answer is a resounding "both." This blog post, we're diving into some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about cars, maintenance, and roadside safety to help you understand why a Car Refresher Course in Enfield might be just what you need.

Car Maintenance FAQs: Keeping Your Vehicle in Prime Condition

What Are the Most Critical Maintenance Tasks?

When it comes to a Car Refresher Course in Enfield, understanding the critical maintenance tasks is paramount. Start with regular oil changes to ensure your engine runs smoothly. Check your tyre pressure at least once a month to avoid uneven wear and improve fuel efficiency. Tire rotations and brake checks are also essential to keep your vehicle operating safely. Ensuring your windshield wipers work effectively and all lights are in good condition is also part of the car maintenance checklist.

How Often Should I Check My Car's Tire Pressure and Oil Level?

These are among the most common questions in a Car Refresher Course. Tyre pressure should be checked at least once a month, ideally when the tyres are cold. This ensures you're getting an accurate reading. Oil levels should be checked at least once every few weeks or before a long trip. Maintaining proper oil levels ensures your engine doesn't overheat and reduces the risk of costly damage.

What Are the Signs That My Car Battery Needs Replacement?

A dead battery is a major inconvenience, so let's address this question as part of our Car Refresher Course. Common signs of a failing battery include slow engine cranking, dimming headlights, and electrical malfunctions. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's time to get your battery tested and possibly replaced. Always keep jumper cables in your car for emergencies, just in case.

Road Safety FAQs: What to Do in an Emergency

What Should I Do If My Car Breaks Down on the Highway?

Roadside breakdowns are stressful, but knowing what to do can make all the difference. First, pull over safely, ideally onto a shoulder or emergency lane. Turn on your hazard lights to signal other drivers that you're distressed. Once you're safely parked, call for roadside assistance or a towing service. The key here is to stay calm and not attempt risky repairs alone.

How Can I Stay Safe While Waiting for Roadside Assistance?

Waiting for roadside assistance can be nerve-wracking. The most important thing to do is stay inside your vehicle with your seatbelt on. This provides an added layer of protection if another car swerves, or there's a collision. Ensure your hazard lights are on and, if possible, use reflective warning triangles to alert other drivers. Keeping a fully charged mobile phone is also crucial for communication during emergencies.

What Emergency Supplies Should I Keep in My Car?

Having the right supplies can be a lifesaver. A well-equipped emergency kit should include a first aid kit, jumper cables, a flashlight, and reflective warning triangles. A basic tool set, a blanket, and bottled water are good additions. These items ensure you're prepared for various roadside emergencies and can help you stay safe while waiting for assistance.

Towing and Roadside Assistance FAQs: Getting Back on the Road

When Should I Call for Towing Services?

Knowing when to call for towing services is vital in any Car Refresher Course. If your car experiences a major failure, such as a broken axle, a non-functional engine, or severe body damage, towing is the safest option. Additionally, calling a tow truck is better than attempting to drive your car if you've been in a significant accident. Towing is also necessary if you are unable to change a flat tyre or if there's significant damage to your vehicle's suspension or frame.

What Types of Towing Services Are Available?

There are various towing services available in Enfield. Flatbed towing is the most common, providing a stable platform for your vehicle during transport. Wheel-lift towing is another option: the front or rear wheels are lifted off the ground. This method is often used for smaller cars or when the flatbed isn't available. Depending on your situation, a reliable towing service will recommend the best option.

How Long Does Roadside Assistance Typically Take to Arrive?

Response times for roadside assistance can vary based on traffic, location, and weather conditions. Generally, you can expect assistance within 30 to 60 minutes. However, it could take longer in busy areas or during extreme weather. The best approach is to stay calm and wait for the professionals to arrive. Ensure you provide clear information about your location to help them quickly find you.


A Car Refresher Course is an excellent way to ensure you have the knowledge and tools to keep your vehicle running smoothly and stay safe. We hope to have provided valuable insights into car maintenance, road safety, and towing services by addressing these FAQs. Remember, it's always best to seek professional assistance if you're ever in doubt. Contact AH Driving Tuition Automatic for driving courses. We have courses for all beginners, intermediate, and advance learners.

Automatic Driving Intensive Course 101

Are you considering taking an Automatic Driving Intensive Course but aren't sure what it involves? You're not alone. Many people are curious about these accelerated courses and whether they're worth the investment. This guide is here to help you understand everything about these courses, from what they offer to who they're best suited for. By the end of this blog, you'll know whether an Automatic Driving Intensive Course is right for you and where to find the best options in Enfield.

What Is an Automatic Driving Intensive Course?

An Automatic Driving Intensive Course is a fast-track driving program designed to help you master the skills to drive a car with an automatic transmission. Unlike manual driving courses, Automatic Driving Intensive Course in Enfield focuses on the nuances of automatic vehicles, providing concentrated learning over a short period. They're perfect for individuals who need a structured approach to learning or those in a hurry to get their driver's license.

Who Should Consider an Automatic Driving Intensive Course in Enfield?

If you're in the Enfield area and need a quick and efficient way to learn driving, an Automatic Driving Intensive Course could be your answer. These courses are tailored for various groups, including:

What's Included in an Automatic Driving Intensive Course?

An Automatic Driving Intensive Course typically combines classroom instruction with practical driving sessions. You can expect to learn:

The course structure varies but generally lasts a few days to a week. It combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on driving practice.

Key Benefits of an Automatic Driving Intensive Course in Enfield

Choosing an Automatic Driving Intensive Course comes with several benefits. Here's why many people opt for these courses:

How to Choose the Right Course?

Selecting the best Automatic Driving Intensive Course in Enfield can be daunting, but here are some tips to help:

FAQs About Automatic Driving Intensive Courses in Enfield

Here are some frequently asked questions to give you a better idea of what to expect:

1) How long does an intensive course typically last? The duration varies, but most courses last between 3 and 7 days.

2) Do I need prior driving experience? Not necessarily. These courses are designed for all levels, from beginners to experienced drivers needing a refresher.

3) How much does an intensive course cost? Prices vary based on duration, location, and other factors. It's best to check with specific course providers in Enfield.


An Automatic Driving Intensive Course in Enfield is a fantastic way to quickly gain the skills and confidence you need to drive safely and legally. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced driver looking to improve, these courses offer an efficient and effective learning experience. If you're ready to take the next step, contact AH Driving Tuition Automatic and learn about intensive course options.

What To Expect In Learners Driving Course in Enfield?

If you plan on learning how to drive, enrolling in a learners driving course is a great place to start. Not only will you know the rules of the road and safe driving techniques, but you'll also gain valuable experience behind the wheel.

But what can you expect from a learners driving course in Enfield? Here are some things to keep in mind before signing up.

Comprehensive Course Material

When you enrol in a learners driving course, you can expect to receive comprehensive course material that covers everything you need to know about driving. This includes traffic laws, road signs and markings, vehicle maintenance, and defensive driving techniques.

The course material is designed to prepare you for the written exam and the practical driving test. It will cover all the necessary information you need to know to become a safe and responsible driver.

Experienced Instructors

At a learners driving course in Enfield, you can expect experienced instructors to teach and guide you throughout the course. These instructors have undergone extensive training and hold certifications to ensure they are qualified to teach new drivers. Driving instructors can help you with the following: 

Not only do they have a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations of driving, but they also have years of experience on the road themselves. They can provide valuable insights and tips to help you become a confident and skilled driver.

The instructors will also be available to answer any questions and provide one-on-one instruction during practical driving lessons.

Interactive Learning

One of the main benefits of enrolling in a learners driving course in Enfield is the opportunity for interactive learning. This means that instead of simply reading through course material or watching videos, you will have the chance to participate actively in your learning. You can expect to practice:

Interactive learning can occur through various methods, such as group discussions, role-playing scenarios, and hands-on driving lessons. You will better understand and retain the material by actively engaging in the learning process.

During practical driving lessons, you can also ask questions and receive immediate feedback from your instructor. This allows for a more personalised learning experience catering to your needs.

Realistic Driving Simulations

Another aspect of interactive learning in a learners driving course is realistic driving simulations. These simulations can help you become more comfortable and confident behind the wheel by allowing you to practice different driving scenarios in a controlled environment.

Simulations can include driving in various weather conditions, navigating through traffic, and responding to emergencies. Experiencing these scenarios in a simulated setting will make you better prepared to handle them in real-life situations.

Graduated Licensing Program

Enfield's learners driving courses are typically part of a graduated licensing program. This means you will receive a learner's permit after completing the course and passing your practical driving test.

With this permit, you can practice driving on public roads if a fully licensed driver accompanies you. This allows you to gain valuable experience and hone your skills before taking the final driving test to obtain your full license.

Comprehensive Feedback

Receiving constructive feedback on your driving skills is important for becoming a safe driver. In a learners driving course in Enfield, your instructor will provide you with comprehensive feedback after each practice session. This allows you to identify areas for improvement and work on them before taking your driving test.

Flexible Class Schedules

Enrolling in a learners driving course doesn't mean sacrificing other commitments such as work or school. Most driving schools offer flexible class schedules, including evening and weekend classes, to accommodate busy student schedules. This allows you to complete the course at your own pace while still managing your other responsibilities.


Enrolling in a learners driving course in Enfield is an important step towards becoming a safe and responsible driver. With comprehensive course material, experienced instructors, interactive learning, realistic simulations, and a graduated licensing program, you can expect to receive all the necessary tools and resources to help you succeed. 

So, don't hesitate to sign up for a learners driving course at AH Driving Tuition Automatic and start your journey towards becoming a confident and skilled driver. Safe driving is a lifelong skill that requires continuous learning and practice. Keep an open mind, stay focused, and always prioritise safety while on the road!

Automatic Driving School in Enfield - In's and Out's

As more people embrace the idea of automatic cars, the demand for automatic driving schools is on the rise. In Enfield, AH Driving Tuition Automatic stands out as a premier driving school offering lessons tailored to students looking to drive an automatic vehicle.

In this blog post, we will dive into the ins and outs of AH Driving Tuition Automatic and why it is the go-to choice for automatic driving lessons in Enfield. So, let's get started!

The Benefits of Learning to Drive in an Automatic Car

Learning to drive an automatic car has several benefits, making it a desirable option for many individuals. Some advantages include simplicity and ease of use, fewer distractions, and increased driving comfort. Let's take a closer look at each of these benefits.

Finding the Right Automatic Driving School in Enfield

When selecting an automatic driving school in Enfield, certain factors must be considered to ensure you receive quality instruction and have a positive learning experience. These factors include the school's reputation and reviews, qualified instructors, learning materials and vehicles, location and convenience, lesson structure and cost.

The Learning Process in Automatic Driving Schools

The learning process in automatic driving schools follows a structured approach to ensure students develop the necessary skills and knowledge to become safe and confident drivers. Here's what you can expect during your time at an automatic driving school:

Tips for Success at an Automatic Driving School

To make the most out of your time at an automatic driving school, here are some tips for success:


Learning to drive an automatic car has its benefits, including simplicity, reduced distractions, and increased comfort while driving. To ensure a positive learning experience, selecting the right automatic driving school in Enfield is crucial. Remember to stay consistent and calm and communicate with your instructors for the best results. With the right approach and determination, you'll be on your way to obtaining a driving license in an automatic vehicle! So don't hesitate to start your journey today.

How To Ace Any Driving Course: Practical Tips by Driving School Experts (Part 2)

Are you gearing up for a driving course? Whether you're a novice or looking to improve your skills, mastering a driving course is essential for becoming a safe and confident driver. This guide will provide practical tips to ace your driving course and emerge as a skilled driver.

Read the Manual

Familiarize yourself with the driving manual provided by your course instructor. It will contain essential information about:

Understanding the theoretical aspects of the manual is fundamental to your success on the road.

Attend Classes Regularly

Consistency is key. Attend all your driving classes punctually to ensure you get all crucial information and practice sessions. Regular attendance will help you build a strong foundation and progress steadily throughout the course.

Practice Outside Class

Make sure to expand your driving practice to just the lessons. Try to get extra practice with a licensed driver, preferably in different road and weather conditions. The more exposure you have to diverse driving scenarios, the more confident you'll become.

Stay Calm and Focused

Nervousness can hinder your performance. Stay calm and focused during your driving lessons. Remember, mistakes are part of the learning process. Trust in your abilities and maintain a positive mindset throughout your driving course.

Listen to Feedback

Pay attention to your instructor's feedback. Understand your mistakes and work on improving them. Constructive criticism is invaluable for refining your driving skills and overcoming any weaknesses you may have.

Ask Questions

Feel free to ask questions if you need clarification on anything. Clarifying doubts will help you grasp concepts better and address any uncertainties. 

Here are a list of questions you may ask: 

  1. What is the correct procedure for approaching and navigating a roundabout?
  2. Can you explain the difference between a solid white line and a broken white line on the road?
  3. How should I adjust my driving technique in adverse weather conditions such as heavy rain or snow?
  4. What steps should I take if I encounter an emergency on the road?
  5. Can you provide tips for effectively using mirrors and blind spots while changing lanes or turning?
  6. What are the consequences of failing to yield the right of way in various traffic scenarios?
  7. Can you demonstrate the proper technique for executing a three-point turn or a U-turn in a safe manner?

Be Observant

Develop good observation skills. Constantly scan your surroundings for potential hazards while driving. Anticipating potential risks and staying vigilant on the road will help you avoid accidents and easily navigate challenging situations.

Practice Defensive Driving

Learn defensive driving techniques to anticipate and avoid potential accidents. Keep a safe distance from other vehicles, anticipate the actions of other road users, and remain prepared to react swiftly to unexpected situations.

Practice Parking

Parking can be challenging for beginners. Spend extra time practising parking in different scenarios until you feel comfortable. For best results, practise these:

This will enhance your confidence and make you a more competent driver.

Study Road Signs and Markings

Understand the meaning of road signs, signals, and markings. They play a crucial role in safe driving and compliance with traffic regulations. Please familiarise yourself with common signs and their significance to navigate roads confidently.

Stay Updated on Traffic Laws

Traffic laws may change over time. Stay updated with the latest regulations to ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties. Being aware of traffic laws will keep you safe and contribute to responsible driving habits.

AH, Driving Tuition Automatic Enfield is dedicated to providing comprehensive and effective driving courses tailored to our students' needs. Our team of experienced instructors is committed to delivering high-quality driving education in a supportive and encouraging environment. Whether you're a novice learner or looking to brush up on your skills, we're here to help you become a confident and competent driver.

Acing your driving course requires dedication, practice, and a positive attitude. By following these tips and making the most of your learning experience, you'll be well on your way to confidently mastering the art of driving and obtaining your driver's license.

Common Mistakes New Drivers Make & How to Avoid Them: Tips by Driving School Experts (Part 1)

So, you've decided to embark on the exciting journey of learning to drive! It's a significant milestone that opens up a world of possibilities and freedom. However, as with any new driving skill, there are common pitfalls that many new drivers encounter. 

This post explores some of these mistakes observed closely by expert Driving School instructors and shares practical tips on how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: Ignoring Defensive Driving Techniques

Adopting a defensive mindset is one of the most crucial aspects of safe driving. Unfortunately, many new drivers focus solely on their actions without considering the behaviour of other road users. By enrolling in a reputable driving school, you'll learn invaluable defensive driving techniques that can help you anticipate & react to potential hazards on the road.

Tip: Always assume that other drivers may make mistakes and be prepared to take evasive action if necessary.

Mistake 2: Failure to Signal Properly

Indicating your intentions to other road users is essential for maintaining safety and smooth traffic flow. However, some new drivers either need to remember to signal or do so incorrectly, leading to confusion and potentially dangerous situations.

Tip: Make it a habit to signal well before turning or changing lanes, and ensure your signals are clear and visible to others.

Mistake 3: Poor Observation Skills

Effective observation is key to safe driving, yet many new drivers need help maintaining awareness of their surroundings. This can lead to missed hazards, unexpected manoeuvres, and accidents.

Tip: Practice scanning your mirrors regularly and checking blind spots before making manoeuvres. Remember to also keep an eye out for pedestrians and cyclists.

Mistake 4: Overconfidence

While confidence is undoubtedly important for driving, overconfidence can be a recipe for disaster. Some new drivers may feel overly confident after passing their test, leading them to take unnecessary risks on the road.

Tip: Stay humble and continue to practice and improve your skills even after obtaining your licence. Always pay attention to the importance of ongoing learning and development.

Mistake 5: Speeding

Excessive speed is a leading cause of accidents, yet many new drivers succumb to the temptation to drive too fast, especially on empty or unfamiliar roads.

Tip: Always adhere to speed limits and adjust your speed according to road & weather conditions. Remember, it's better to arrive than rush and risk injury.

Mistake 6: Following Too Closely

Tailgating, or following the vehicle in front too closely, is intimidating for other drivers and increases the risk of rear-end collisions.

Tip: Maintain a safe following distance of at least two seconds in normal conditions and increase it further in adverse weather or heavy traffic.

Mistake 7: Neglecting Regular Vehicle Maintenance

Finally, maintaining your vehicle properly can compromise safety and performance, putting you and others at risk.

Tip: Schedule regular servicing and inspections to ensure your vehicle is in optimal condition. Check tyre pressure, fluid levels, and lights regularly and address any issues promptly.

How is AH Driving Tuition Automatic Enfield the Best?

When learning to drive, choosing the right driving school is paramount. At AH Driving Tuition Automatic, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality driving courses tailored to each learner's needs. 

Our skilled instructors are dedicated to providing comprehensive instruction in a supportive and encouraging environment. Whether you're a complete novice or looking to improve your skills, we're here to help you become a safe, confident, and competent driver for life. Choose our Driving School for an exceptional learning experience that will set you on the path to driving success.